Welcome to Pure Pride Boxers' home on the web.
In the following pages you will find our
interpretation of the Boxer standard in our dogs.
We are constantly striving to improve on the overall
conformation, health, and temperament of the breed.
We hope you enjoy your time here.
Thank you for visiting.

GCH Julian Farm's Sweet Southern Comfort
CH Julian Farm and Pure Pride's Charm

CH Pure Pride Keenen How Can I Refuse, DOM
Dam Of
The Great Eight
The Pure Pride Boys
BVIS GCH Solidrock's Major Ensemble At Pure Pride, SOM, LOM
GCH Pure Pride N Rion's Witches Brew, SOM
CH Rion N Pure Pride's Mr. Imperium
CH Pure Pride's Thunder
CH Pure Pride's Let's Go Crazy at Westpaw
GCH Pure Pride's Little Red Corvette
CH Julian Farm's Something To Talk About At Pure Pride, SOM
CH Pure Pride's Smooth Criminal At Heart Of Gold
CH Pure Pride's Corona
Pure Pride And Impression's Life Of The Party
Pure Pride's Harbourmaster
Pure Pride's Lucky Day
CH BoDan And Pure Pride's Smooth As Tennessee Whiskey

The Pure Pride Girls
Pure Pride's Cassiopia From Greenfield, DOM
CH Pure Pride's Hott Damm
GCH Pure Pride's Absolute
CH Pure Pride's If Looks Could Kill
BISS CH Hall's Hollywood Goddess Kissie
CH Pure Pride's Purple Rain
GCH Pure Pride and Prejudice at Wit's End, DOM
CH Pure Pride's Hot Thing
CH Pure Pride's Diamonds and Pearls
GCH Pure Pride's Baby I'm A Star
CH Pure Pride's Loca-Motion
GCH Pure Pride's Dos Equis Amber
Pure Pride and Julian Farm's Bewitched
CH Pure Pride's Poker Face
MBIS MRBIS MBISS GCHP Pure Pride's Never Love Again

The Pure Pride Puppies
Finn X Samantha - Whelped on January 20, 2021
Finn X Bling - Whelped on January 20, 2021

Professional Handling

Contact Info:
Steve Stewart
Liberty, SC
  864-325-8822 (Cell)

Visitors since December 16, 2008

Steve Stewart and Pure Pride Boxers

PRO Web Design